Ryan is still looking for a job. I gotta say, the Lord is very interested in testing us right now. We never EVER saw this coming. Eight long years of school (and he's not even a doctor or lawyer or anything!) and this is what it comes to. His parent's basement is nice, and honestly we can't complain about free rent, but we have a new problem arising. We have no room for another baby, and it's coming fast. The living room is cluttered like you wouldn't believe. All of Bella's clothes and shoes and everything are shoved into our room, and she sleeps in the office in a corner. This is all fine and dandy, but I have no room for another one! Yes, a tiny little baby can fit anywhere, but where do you put all the clothes, diapers, and all the other junk that comes along with a baby?? Needless to say, this is what I think about at 7:00 am when I can't sleep anymore. My car is also having some serious problems . Now, normally, this wouldn't be a big deal because we have two cars. We're not so spoiled that we think we need that. The problem lies in the fact that we cannot go anywhere as a family in our second car. Stupid Mini! So if my car up and croaks one day, we'll really be stuck. There are a whole slew of other things going on that I won't get in to, but needless to say, we're stressed. But Ryan is still looking and trying hard. He's studying like crazy to pass this second test in December. He's pretty ready for it, he's just worried that all the extra time is going to mess him up. Because of the economy, companies are really not that interested in anyone without at least two tests, so hopefully a passing grade in December will make for a better job outlook for him.
On a happier note, my little baby is turning 2!! And she's not a baby anymore! I can't believe how much she's grown up in the last couple months. I'm happy, because I'm gonna need a big helper in a couple weeks here, but it's sad, too! And stressful. She wants to be a big girl about everything. She wants to sit on a regular chair, which as those of you with small children know, that makes a big mess. And those of you who know me well know that I don't deal with messes very well. So I'm working on calming down! She wants to climb up and down the stairs on her feet. This is all good and well in the house, cause if she falls, it might hurt, but at least it's carpet. But she wants to do it on the stairs outside down to our door. I don't worry about her going up, she's pretty good at it. But coming down is scary. I'm always paranoid she's gonna fall down and crack her head open on the concrete. And I think she wants to start using the potty. AAAHHHH!! I was just gonna wait until after the baby, because it's definitely not something I need to deal with right now. But yesterday, she was yelling at me about changing her diaper. When I went to get a new diaper, she threw a fit and ran into the bathroom pointing at the toilet. So I took off her old diaper and sat her up on the toilet. It was pretty funny because I don't think she realized how big it really was and she was a little freaked out. But she reached for toilet paper, wiped, and threw it in the toilet. (she didn't actually go to the bathroom, just kind of pretended). Then we got off and she happily let me put a new diaper on. Then today, when I went to get her from the daycare at the gym, they told me that she took her diaper off and went into the bathroom. They had tried to page me but I didn't hear it. So she was just walking around with no diaper on! She's definitely interested! But she's gonna have to wait a couple months. I just don't have the energy for potty training right now! But she's growing up and we still have such a blast with her. Ryan and I are grateful every day for the tender mercy that she is. With a lot of things to be stressed and complain about, she certainly brightens our lives. She makes me laugh a hundred times every day, and I'm so excited to have another one. So, we can't afford to feed them, and if it weren't for my sisters and sister-in-law, we would have a hard time clothing them, but man they are so worth it! We celebrated her birthday with my family last week when we all got together for dinner, then we celebrated with Ryan's family last night. I don't have a lot of pictures from last night because Ryan's dad was doing the picture taking while I took some video on our camera. It was so fun to see her so excited about opening presents! It only took her one or two to get the hang of it!
So, congrats to anyone who has stuck out this blog post thus far! I guess I should blog more often so it doesn't get so long! But I probably won't again until after the baby. I will post lots of pictures of him when he comes. I have officially scheduled a VBAC, for those of you who have been wondering about my decision. What they do is break my water, then give me just little doses of patossin (sp?) to try to get labor started. They can't do full doses because it increases your chance of a uterin rupture, which is a bad thing! So, if labor progresses okay, we will hopefully have a successful VBAC. If it doesn't, it will be another c-section and that will be the method of choice from now on. What will it be, what will it be? Anyone wanna make this interesting and make bets?? Anyway, I hope this is a sufficient post for my lack thereof! Hopefully over the next couple months I'll have happier news to share!