Ryan continues to look for a job. I think this has by far become the lowest point in both of our lives. He's had so many come so close and then he doesn't get them. It's like the world is trying to play a very unfunny prank on us! So we continue to toil. I read an article in the Ensign this month about continuing to row. The family was in a similar position, probably worse actually, and she talked about how they just continued to plow through. So that is what we are doing. We've enlisted a lot of people's help, we pray, we fast, we pray some more, we think good thoughts really hard.
But there are so many things we're still grateful for and that make us happy. Like these two...
We have wonderful families, we love each other, we love our kids, and what more could we ask for, right? Okay, so being able to afford feeding those kids would be nice, but I guess we'll try not to be so picky!
Oh, and good news. We have lots of weddings coming up that we're really excited about. Ryan's brother and his sister both got engaged in the last month. And my brother is also engaged. One is set for May 22, one for May 28, and the other is still deciding on a date.
I got Evan his own "piggy". It's a frog, and he already loves it. When I put him in bed, I just set it next to him, and he usually ends up like this...
Bella got a purse for Christmas from grandma, and she's usually not allowed to take toys to bed with her, but somehow this one slipped through one day...
Bella has two new favorite activities lately... swimming and ice skating. Well, the latter is actually more like putting on ice skates and then having daddy carry her around the rink. She lets him put her down every once in a while to pull her along. But I think they both have tons of fun doing it!
And finally, my sister-in-law gave us this little exersaucer for Evan, and it's been a big hit thus far. I put him in it one morning while I got ready, and this is what I came back to. Such a cute little guy...
Anyway, that's about it. I will try to be more diligent and come up with things in my somewhat uneventful life to make more eventful for those who think I'm not doing such a good job :)