Time for another quickie top 10 because I've waited so long to blog and there have been a million things going on. This goes kind of way back, so I'll try to be brief. And there's lots of pictures of my cuto kids, so why wouldn't you look?? So here they are, in no particular order.
1. St. Patrick's Day. Yes, it's been that long! So, I have NEVER gotten into this holiday, and I don't know why I did this year. But I put the kids in green and made a fun green dinner and dessert. I think it was more fun because Bella is finally getting old enough to understand some of this. My friend (thanks Linds!) gave me this link for this really cute little clover treasure hunt, left by a leprechaun. So I decided to do it and Bella had so much fun. It was by color, so she did it really easily. At the end of it was a rainbow with a pot of goodies and toys. Evan just thought the goodies were awesome!

Our green cupcakes...

and green dinner. It's hard to tell, but the rolls are green too.

2. Easter also happened, like 5 weeks later! Again, I got more into this holiday than I ever have before. We colored eggs the night before, which Bella thought was pretty cool once she figured out what I was doing!

These are their Easter baskets. Bella got Tangled, which you can see in the mix there of her basket. She really wanted that movie, so I told her to be really good and ask the Easter Bunny to bring it, and he just might. I guess he listened!

The Easter Bunny always hid our entire basket so we had to go find it. Apparently that's what our Easter Bunny does too. It was fun to watch her try to find it.

With her new favorite movie...

3. On April 20th, I woke up expecting a nice, normal day. It was not so. I had been having some really bad pains off and on over the previous few days in my stomach and on Wednesday morning they started getting kind of intense. I was taking preventative measures to not be getting pregnant, but after some of the things I had been experiencing over the last few weeks, and the abdominal pain, I started wondering if maybe I had gotten pregnant anyway. So I took a pregnancy test, and sure enough, it was positive. I knew the pain couldn't be a good sign, so I called my doctor, and was in their office by about 2 that afternoon. I spent the day being poked and prodded and they finally diagnosed a tubal pregnancy. I was bleeding pretty good internally, so I needed surgery that night. I checked in at the ER, sat in a room for about an hour, and was in surgery by about 8:30, I think it was.

There was about 2 soda cans worth of blood in my stomach that had to be removed. A lot of times, with a tubal pregnancy, the tube erupts and they have to remove it. I was lucky and was able to keep all my body parts, which is a relief considering how it could've gone. But I have spent the last several weeks recovering. They re-opened my C-section incision, so it was quite a surgery. Those 36 hours starting about the time I got to the dr.'s office up until about halfway through my hospital stay could possibly be ranked as the worst in my life up to this point, and I hope forever! I will spare you all the gory details, but it wasn't fun. Good news is, I'm back to about 90%, and should be at 100% in the next week or so. And I was grateful that they let me make it home before Easter so we could enjoy that together. Yay for surprises!
4. This is my grandpa...

Around the end of March (sorry, I'm hazy on all the actual dates), he got really sick and was diagnosed with Stage 3 leukemia. Things went downhill pretty fast and with all the things going on, they weren't able to continue treatment. On April 4, he passed away. My in-laws were so wonderful and cancelled their travel plans for that weekend to watch the kids while Ryan and I traveled to California for the funeral. It was so nice to be there without the kids and be able to enjoy a nice time with family in memory of Grandpa Roth. All but 1 of his 32 grandchildren were there, the one being on his mission right now. I think my uncle said at the funeral that his legacy currently includes 102 people, so far! It was incredible. I loved my grandpa and had so many wonderful memories with him. I'm so grateful for such a strong example who raised such a wonderful family and gave me so many people to love. He will be missed. Love you Grandpa!
5. Mother's Day! Yay for this day! It actually wasn't that great of a day, cause Evan was a monster during church so I had to leave early with him. We had a family dinner with my family that day, and I was bringing a few things, so I spent most of my afternoon baking. Ryan did help me a ton though, which made it nice. And he got me the best presents! He got me this movie, which I LOVE...

And these beautiful flowers that are still brightening up my kitchen...

Thanks to Ryan for making my day so great. I love being a mom!
6. Wow, I'm only to 6. Still with me?? Okay, so this is kind of two things, but the kids finally got their own room. They've been sleeping in the office in the basement, with just their beds in there with a desk and lots of other office-y things. We finally talked to Ryan's parents about making it an actual bedroom, and they were kind enough to spend a weekend making that happen. We also decided to move Evan to a toddler bed, which has been a disaster so far :) I keep hoping it will get better, and thinking that it just has to! This is how it's going...

He goes to sleep (when he finally gets around to it!) on the floor every night and I go move him into his bed. And then sometimes he falls out in the middle of the night. He's such a funny kid! I would post more pictures of their new bedroom, but I haven't made it very cutesy yet. So if I ever get around to that, I'll put up pictures! I just have to say that I love having their dressers and shoes and diapers and everything else out of my bedroom and contained in their own little space!
7. Big news, which sort of prompted the bedroom change above... Ryan's parents were asked by the church to go to South Africa for 3-6 years so his dad could head up the legal counsel for the church for all of Southern Africa.

They accepted, and will officially be moving to South Africa at the end of August. We have decided to stay at the house for longer than we had initially anticipated, so we wanted to work on settling in a little more. They're really excited for this new adventure and I'm excited to hear all about it!
8. Ryan got a new calling, which is in the primary. He teaches to 8-9 year olds. He had been in the Elder's Quorum for about 1 1/2 years, and I think he was kind of ready for a change. He's been having a lot of fun with it and loves the age. They're old enough to pay attention but not quite old enough to really misbehave! I hope he gets to keep this calling for a while since he's enjoying it so much.
9. Evan turned 18 months and gets to go to nursery now! This is an awesome moment for any church-going parent. He actually went a week early because it was the week right after my surgery, so I didn't go to church, and Ryan had responsibilities to take care of. He loves it, and one of the nursery leaders just told me today that he is a model nursery child. She said he's so good every week and never even cries or barely makes a sound. I think he's too terrified to! But I'm glad he's acting good so other people think I have good kids! My little boy is getting so grown up!