About Me

Ryan and I were married December 28, 2004. We have one beautiful, very tempermental daughter, Bella. She was born October 20, 2007. We also have Evan, who was born November 1, 2009. Ryan is an actuarial analyst with the Humana. We have begun a new chapter in our lives in Louisville, Kentucky. We can't wait to see what this new place holds for our family!

Friday, January 2, 2009


merry christmas everyone! i didn't get a chance to post before hand. i hope everyone enjoyed their christmas and new year. ryan and i had reason to celebrate. for those of you who haven't been around us over the last couple of months, thing have been tense. ryan was in a class for his major that was really, really, really hard. he's been gone so much, i kept joking that i was a single mom for all intents and purposes. about mid-semester, he was pretty sure he was going to fail the class. test weren't going well, and the final didn't either, so christmas was sort of stressful for us. we were praying that he would at least get a D and not have to re-take the class. an F would set him back another 6 months and would ruin graduation dreams for april. his grade was posted the night of the 30th. i checked while he was at work because i needed to prepare myself before he came home! when i looked, he had gotten a C. it was shocking to both of us. i cried right there! school has been so gruelling for him and neither of us were sure that we could take another graduation disappointment. but, as long as he passes this semester, we're good to go! i just can't wait what life outside of school has in store for us. but we are so grateful for what we have and for the C. i have no doubt that the Lord has blessed us this semester and answered some very desperate prayers. so this is my shout-out to my incredible husband, who has plowed through some of the worst times and endured over 8 years of school now. he also continues to be a fabulous daddy and loving husband. bella still won't say mommy, but she's got daddy down pat. which is amazing because she barely sees him!! and we continue to pray for graduation in april and perhaps a real job??

and we're so grateful for our beautiful little girl. she makes us laugh a hundred times a day, at least. it it weren't for her, we may not smile very often! she is talking a ton now, most of it to inatimate objects. we're still waiting for her to walk. she's getting so close, she just won't do it. oh well, i guess i won't really worry for a while longer. but she's becoming a little toddler anyway. her favorite toy is her little car that she can scoot around on. oh, and i guess i should clarify my last post. piggy is a stuffed animal that bella has attached herself to. i wasn't referring to bella! there was a slight misunderstanding there!! and i realized that you can't really tell what it is in the picture, it's just a big pink mass. but piggy is the dirty, disgusting, falling apart pig that we don't get through a day without.
i hope this post finds everyone happy and well. ryan and i have a renewed sense of hope after his C, so we're feeling good right now. but, a new semester is about to start, so here we go again!!
just wanted to share some of our christmas joy!
my mom made cute little pajama pants for all the grandkids. this is all of them but stefanie's three kids. we need to get them all together for a picture, but this is the best we have so far.

this is our cute little christmas tree. it really is as small as it looks because our house is too little to fit much else!

bella wanted to help me with the lights. and what a help she was...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

YAY for Ryan!!! And yay for Bree for getting through it.. I'm jealous school's done in April... I think Andy only has 3 years left?? Oh well, at least he went back! I love that little Bella Boo, she's so cute I just want to squish her! :)