About Me
- The Jubbs
- Ryan and I were married December 28, 2004. We have one beautiful, very tempermental daughter, Bella. She was born October 20, 2007. We also have Evan, who was born November 1, 2009. Ryan is an actuarial analyst with the Humana. We have begun a new chapter in our lives in Louisville, Kentucky. We can't wait to see what this new place holds for our family!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I'm on again!
Sorry to all of you who check my blog and have noticed that I haven't posted for ages. I've just been too darn busy. And as more things happen, it becomes more and more overwhelming to recap everything, so I'll do it quickly. Most people know by now that I'm pregnant. My official due date is Nov. 6. We're really excited and we're crossing our fingers for a boy this time. I've been much less sick than I was with Bella, which is such a relief. I was dreading the morning sickness again, and it really hasn't been that bad. Gives me hope for a boy!! Also new is that Ryan is graduating. I guess it's not new, just actually happening soon. He starts finals on Friday and graduation is next Thursday and Friday. I have to say, it makes me tear up a little bit. Partly because I'm so happy, and partly in remembrance of the MANY tears that have been shed over the last 4 1/2 years. It almost feels surreal, like it can't really be happening. The next step is a job, which I'm hoping isn't too difficult a task. It will take me a while to care that he doesn't have a job because I'm just so happy that the school phase is over, at least for Ryan. We've decided, along with graduation, to move back into the Jubber's basement. We're hoping it's very temporary while Ryan looks for a job. We just feel sick about continuing to pay high rent down in Orem when we don't really need to be here anymore. It will have its pros and cons. Hopefully we can make it all work out and all be happy!! Bella has been so helpful with the move... or just in the way!
Bella is growing like a weed and gets funnier every day. Her new thing is to haul around an armful of stuffed animals. It's hilarious to watch because she'll drop one, and when she leans down to pick it up, she drops another, and the cycle continues. She found these two stuffed dogs that we've had around and she loves them because they're really soft and cuddly, but she can't let herself give up piggy, who is no longer soft and cuddly! I think she's really having an internal struggle!
She has also learned about the finer dining in life... McDonalds! We got shakes and fries one night ( a pregnant lady's request) and Bella suddenly figured out how to suck out of a straw. We had no idea she could, but I guess chocolate shake inspired her!
She's also learning to feed herself. What an adventure! I love the whole independence thing without the ability. It makes for lots of messes and very little food in her stomach, but it makes her happy, so whatever!
Aunt Sarah made Bella a dress up dancing skirt for Christmas. We knew it would be a little early, but apparantly she is not interested in dress ups. Not yet anyway. I tried to put the skirt on her a couple weeks ago, and she just kept whining and trying to pull it off! I guess we'll try again in a couple months!
Anyway, that's about it. We just keep plugging along. But I have to say that it's a good thing that Ryan will be home more often soon, because Bella and I are having a hard time filling the hours without him, and there's a certain amount of sanity that has been lost!
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Hey! We should get together and play once more before you move. If things are crazy at your house, maybe we can come over here and play outside...you know, once this snow phase passes! :)
ha ha... nice jacket on your head. Daph saw the pic and said "Hey, that's my jacket!" hee hee... glad you updated, I love seeing my neice more than once a month... well, pics of her anyway. She is too cute for words. I want to sqeeze her!
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