So my poor bebe Evan got RSV a couple weeks ago. He started couhging and stuff on Thursday, and then Friday afternoon, he had a fever of 99.8. I called the doctor's office because I wasn't sure what was too high for a baby. The nurse said we should probably come in because RSV had been going around and if he had it, we would probably end up in the ER over the weekend. Lo and behold, he did have it. To avoid the ER, the doctor put him on oxygen. So Friday night, IHC homecare delivered oxygen. Evan was not happy about the tubes up his nose!
On the same day that I took Evan into the doctor, Feb. 28th, I got a call from my best friend growing up, Kate, that they were going to be taking her dad off life support later that day. So with my baby sick and running a fever, I couldn't hold in the tears anymore. I cried for the man who was my second father throughout my entire childhood. The Lyngle's were my neighbors for almost 20 years of my life. Earlier that week, Steve had an aeortal (sp?) tear and then suffered a massive stroke. With no response to their tests or anything, they decided that it was time for him to go. My sister and I actually happened to be at the hospital visiting when he passed away. My favorite memory of Steve was one day when he came over to our house with a glass of vodka in one hand and the Book of Mormon in the other and was teaching us about "our religion". Sacreligious, yes! Very funny, yes! But seriously, I loved Steve and I have so many memories of him and their family throughout so much of my life. He will be so missed and remembered very fondly.
Needless to say, the last couple weeks have been kind of tough and a little emotionally draining. But we've kind of gotten back on track and we're still having fun! This is Evan, being pretty in pink...
That is so sad to hear about Steve. I just always remember him at the softball field. He was a great guy. I'm glad that Evan is feeling better too. Poor thing.
Ohhhh poor Evan, I am so glad he is better and that it passed so quickly. My kitchen counter looks like that on a regular basis.
Andy was SO sad he wasn't able to come back for the funeral. He said "If I would have known this was going to happen, I would have waited a few more weeks to move." It really is like you guys have lost a family member :(
Well, when is Ryan coming for an interview in DC? :)
Wow! What a rough post. I hope everyone is doing alright. Thank goodness for the Gospel! Hope you know we're keeping you in our prayers here. Even if we don't talk much, I think about you all the time. Love ya Bre!
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