So, I hate blogspot and it’s making this post very difficult
right now. This is why I don’t
blog. It should not be so
complicated! I can’t figure out how to
get this underlining off either, so this is how it’s gonna be. I wrote a little catch up about how our time
here in Kentucky is going, but it ended up at the end and I can’t move it, so
you can catch that at the end. And it
wouldn’t let me put this text first, so there’s a random picture first. So here are a few pictures from some events
over the last few months that I have neglected blogging about. We’ve had a lot of birthdays around
here. Ryan’s was the most recent. It was really weird, cause it’s the first
birthday we’ve ever done on our own. I
have to say I was a pretty terrible wife about it. Things were just so crazy with the move and
everything, so I never got him a present.
He says he’s okay with it, cause he couldn’t think of anything he really
wanted anyway, but I still feel terrible.
But his birthday was on a Saturday, so we spent it together as a
family. We ran a couple errands, went to
lunch at Olive Garden, and then went a saw a movie. We saw The Muppets, so the kids would be entertained
too. Then we stopped at the grocery
store to get stuff for this receipt for filet mignon that Ryan’s mom
makes. I told him his birthday present
was a special dinner! When we got home,
we weren’t really hungry for dinner after our big lunch and lots of
popcorn! So we saved the filet for
Sunday. It would’ve been a perfect, fun
family day if it hadn’t been for Evan.
He was completely in pieces the ENTIRE day! It was awful.
But I did my best to keep him away from Ryan as much as I could and I
tried to be really patient with him. The
poor kid was so sleep deprived from the move and everything. On Sunday, I made Ryan’s special dinner and a
cake, and we sang happy birthday to him.
I think it ended up being a pretty good birthday for him, just a little
weird doing it all by ourselves. Oh, it
also was his big 3-0, so I felt bad that we didn’t do more for it. But I think it was honestly making Ryan feel
old, so maybe it’s best that it wasn’t a big affair!
Grandma Collette got her these 2 Barbie cars, which are still a total hit!
Ryan and I made her a dollhouse. This whole ordeal is a LONG story that I won't get into, but I will say that I was not very pleased with it! It certainly did not turn out the way I wanted it to and I was just wishing the whole time that we had just bought her one. But it's ended up being a really good thing. She loves playing in it, which is the most important part, and she decorates in however she wants and I don't even care! She loves putting her own pictures and stuff in it, so she's had a blast with it. I guess if she ends up happy that's all I will be concerned about!

The tower cake...
So that does it for that. We are starting week 3 here in Kentucky, and I think I can be a little brighter than my last post! We're starting to settle in a bit. I certainly don't break down crying so much. I think the last time I cried was Friday night, and it was very brief. Ryan and I were getting the kids to bed and kind of talking about what we wanted to do once they were down. Really the only options are to watch TV or a movie. Which, don't get me wrong, we love to do, but that's what we had been doing every night all week. Naturally, we could not come up with anything new. I cried because I was frustrated by that. Frustrated that we have spent our whole marriage depending on other people for our entertainment. Even if we were just upstairs or across the street and nobody was paying attention to us, it was somewhere to be. I don't want this to sound like we don't enjoy each other's company. Because we do, immensely. We're just so used to a way of life. Our entire married life has been spent very near both of our families and having that as a default place to go when we got a little bored. So that has been an adjustment. I kept asking him all night, What do normal people do??? And we've decided that this is about it! While this was on the pros list when it came to moving away (spending more time with each other), it's been a weird adjustment. But life is moving on. I've been invited to several girl's nights and playdates with other moms and their kids. We just went this morning to a place called ZaBoing. They have all these big bouncy blow up toys out and the kids can just run around and play. It was awesome. And even more awesome was finding a place where they finally just charge the kids, not the parents! I hate paying for myself to watch my kids play. They had a blast and I'm sure we'll be going back again.
Ryan is settling in to the new job well. He's been enjoying it so far. He says things are still a little slow for him, but he's still really optimistic about the career choice. And he's taking an exam in May, so he's had lots of time to study, which is always good. The homesickness finally hit him. He doesn't bawl his eyes out like I do, just gets kind of quiet and somber. So we snuggle up on the couch most nights with hot chocolate and try to quietly support each other!
The apartment doesn't really smell any better. They put us in such an awful position because they offered re-carpeting, which I think I could really get them to do. But I'm very pregnant, and can't really move all my furniture around for re-carpeting. It's something they should have done before we moved in. And we would just say fine, you guys broke your end of the lease with this, we're out of here, but again, I'm very pregnant. House hunting and buying and packing and moving again is not something I can do right now. So I think we've decided our plan is to try to find a house over the next 6 weeks or so, and then move around May or June. Maybe April. We'll see how fast we can get it all done! We did some casual house hunting over the weekend and it got me really excited. I think I could handle this all a lot better with a house of my own that doesn't smell! We've gotten it tamed enough that I can sit in here all day and not be bothered by it, but I'm constantly worried when I go places that I smell like the apartment. I make sure everyone knows that I'm not a crazy cat lady, I just have a smelly apartment! So, we still miss our families like crazy, but we keep reminding ourselves of all the good things about this move. We've met some really nice people and we're starting to have a really good time. I think if we could get into a house within the next 6 months, things would really be great.
So, there's the current scoop. We're doing our best to be positive and happy and enjoy our new adventure! So long from Kentucky!
I love love love this update! It was so great to see the pictures from birthdays and Christmas. Your kids are getting so big!
And I am really glad you're adjusting quickly. Just wait, before you know it, you will have wondered how you ever lived in Utah (just kidding). But seriously, it is really great to be on your own. You will grow so close as a family.
You made me laugh with your wondering what people do at night after the kids are in bed question. Andy and I love to watch movies or a certain TV series too, but we also play games together, play wii together, or we take the time to work on individual projects. I like to blog at night, and he'll read a book. Sometimes we make a treat together. We also like to read the ensign together. It's so great to have that time together to reconnect. But I understand that it'll take time to get used to, especially with you guys having been so close to family nearly your entire marriage.
Anyway, I'm glad you're blogging more! I love it.
Miss you guys!!
Your "what do normal people do" made me laugh, too. Blaine and I joke constantly that we're boring and lame because we don't "go do" anything. We stay home and visit, and do a lot of the same things Sarah mentioned. You'll grow to loving all the time you spend together and being on your own - it definitely draws you closer together.
I hope the house hunting goes well! love you guys.
I'm glad to see that things are getting better. I hope you can get out of our smelly apartment and into a house too. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Miss you and your cute kids. I love all the pictures of them, I cant believe how much they are changing already. Keep smiling, things are going to work out great.
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