Okay, now it's official, she walks all the time now. Have to keep everybody updated because she likes to take her precious little time with everything!! So, I need to take a moment to whine about how very busy I am. And yes, I brought it all on myself, but I still feel overwhelmed. Plus, you all want to know what I'm up to, right? So, let me put to rest the rumors that I am a lazy housewife and tell you all what I do with my days! So, I have 12 credit hours this semester, and all of the classes are a nightmare. One is a legal class which is just reading and reading and reading and more reading. Oh yeah, and when you're done with that, read some more! Another one is a statistics class and we all know how much Breanna hates math. I thought that Ryan would be able to help me a lot, you know, cause his major is statistics, but he keeps looking at it and saying "oh, yeah this stuff kind of confused me too". AAHHH! But it's actually been good for both of us because I work really well when I have a sounding board, and it's been a great review for him. So slowly but surely we muddle through. The last one is an accounting class, which wouldn't be so bad, except that the professor is one of those that thinks his class is what the world revolves around. Kill me now! I'm also in the primary presidency, and I volunteered to do all the birthday cards for the year, so I have to sit down and spend a couple hours every month printing those out. And I have to plan sharing times and fun stuff like that. I have two ladies that I visit teach that are having babies in March, and our landlord is pregnant and due in April, so I'm making rag quilts for each of them. That in and of itself could keep me busy for the next 2 months! I'm also on a new scrapbooking kick. I really want to get caught up before I have another kid so that I'm not completely overwhelmed. I'll just be completely overwhelmed right now! I've started going to the ward book club, so that means another book to read every month. I'm actually done with January's, which is good. And that one isn't too much pressure because half the people that show up don't even read the book! I spend 1 1/2 hours every day and the gym, which takes up a lot of my day. I have a house to clean, and most importantly, I have a beautiful little girl to take care of that now moves faster than ever. And she's very clingy!! And, like last semester, for all intents and purposes, I am a single mother again. We got so spoiled over the Christmas holiday having Ryan around, and now he's super busy again and working his tail off. I keep myself together by reminding myself that this is the last semester we have to do this!! Oh, I almost forgot. It's also tax season, so I have tons of taxes to do. I have my dad's, which are always a real treat, and then all my siblings, plus my own. And I still go up every two weeks to work at my dad's office, which means I pretty much lose that whole day. Here are some pictures of my computer room right now! Oh, the mayhem!

Ryan and I went to the Ryan Shupe concert on Saturday night, and they sang the song "Simplify". That song has never meant more to me than it did Saturday night! I have to say though that I'm grateful to have things to do. One of the hardest things about Ryan being gone all the time has always been that I don't have things to fill the time. So I'm grateful to be busy. And I'm being very careful to keep my priorities straight. Bella is always number one, and when she needs to cuddle, I gladly take the opportunity!! So, if any of you made it this far, I'm impressed. I don't really expect most people to. Just needed to let it all out!! And, it looks like another post on my blog, so nobody can send me comments that I don't ever post!! Hehe! Okay, lastly, I'm posting the cute pictures of all my family. We had family pictures done, and it was so hard getting 12 kids to all look at the camera, but so many of them turned out so cute!

Aren't they adorable???